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樹德科技大學 流行設計系創意特效噴槍X基因色彩寒假體驗營活動(高中職學生)


樹德科技大學流行設計系 第五屆 世界皮革創意設計大賽 恭喜!榮獲金獎/最佳人氣獎 ➊參賽者-歐修維”金獎” ➋參賽者-凃詠筑”最佳人氣獎” 恭喜兩位參賽者~ #樹德科技大學 #流行設計系 #服裝設計 #造型設計 #織品設計 #飾品設計 #整體造塑設計

號外!喝采!樹德科技大學流行設計系與潘怡良設計師 締結教育夥伴策略聯盟簽約儀式 創造學生業界設計師接軌 歡迎加入流行設計系 學習就業無煩惱 #樹德科技大學 #流行設計系 #服裝設計 #造型設計 #織品設計 #飾品設計 #整體造型設計#潘怡良

樹德科技大學 流行設計系 113鞋類及袋包產業智慧化推動計畫 新銳設計師期末發表 設計師 郭君慈、褚遠源、廖千菱 指導老師 王鎮秋 #樹德科技大學#流行設計系#財團法人鞋類暨運動休閒科技研發中心 #新鋭設計師

About the Department of Fashion Design
Serving as a trend leader at all times In response to the changing demand that will transpire in the future (i.e., demand for people with professional knowledge shifting to people with innovative, interdisciplinary skills), the Department of Fashion Design (of SHU-TE University) introduces Taiwan’s first-ever curriculum that integrates the fields of textile design, clothing design, fashion accessory design, and hairstyle and make-up design , enabling students to learn the fundamentals of each professional field and develop their innovative abilities to combine interdisciplinary knowledge together, ensuring that students foster both theoretical and practical skills, connecting students to professional industries and the world, and cultivating students with all-around interdisciplinary skills demanded by the pop fashion industry.
The teaching objectives of the Department are to develop high-quality, all-around fashion designers demanded by the fashion design industry. Graduates of the Department possess fashion design innovation and R&D skills and are fashion designers who can excel both in Taiwan and globally.
Department Members
Hung-Jen Chen
Associate professor Head, Department of Fashion Design & Bachelor Program of Hair Styling and Managementhjchen@stu.edu.tw
Education Environment
Clothing classroom

Textile classroom

Hairdressing classroom

Makeup classroom

Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities for Department of Fashion Design Graduates The Department of Fashion Design focuses on developing innovative designers demanded by popular industries undergoing industry upgrades and transformations. All graduates of the department possess diversified skills in original design, planning, management, and marketing.
Future development directions of Department of Fashion Design students include the following:
1. All-around design, hairstyle and make-up design, planning, technical R&D, and management personnel.
2. Media and performance art-related all-around design personnel, and image consultant designing, planning, and management personnel.
3. Cosmetic application-related design planning, technical research, product management, and related marketing personnel.
4. Fashion design planning, template design, and related marketing personnel.
5. Clothing accessory design planning, template design, and related marketing personnel.
6. Textile design planning and marketing personnel.
7. Running their own design studios.
8. Furthering their education at SHU-TE University Graduate School of Applied Design (fashion design group) or at relevant research institutes in Taiwan or abroad.
Prerequisites for Graduation
In 2009, the Department of Fashion Design set the following prerequisites for students graduating from its four-year day-time technical program: Starting the 2012–2013 academic year, graduating students who meet at least one of the following prerequisites will be eligible for graduation. (Resolution passed during the first departmental meeting of the Department of Fashion Design in the first semester of the 2019–2020 academic year on Sept. 2, 2019).
- Obtained a professional technician certificate of Class B or above (or a certificate of equivalent level or above) approved by the Department of Fashion Design.
- Obtained a Campus Designer Certificate issued by the Department of Fashion Design.
- Participated in the publishing of a paper above the seminar level.
- Partook in a national competition (or higher) and received an Award of Excellence (or better), or had his/her work competing in the finals.
- Took part in a regional competition (including an intramural competition) and came in third place or better.
- Participated in at least one industry–university project (or research project), where he/she served as a research assistant.
- Obtained a new design patent, utility model patent, or invention patent application.
- Received at least one Presidential Award.
- Ranked in the top 3 in his/her senior-year special topic production.
- Received a technician certificate of Class B or above from the Department of Fashion Design-related industries.
- Certificate number: 04800; name of the certificate: Level A or Level B technician for ladies’ dressmaking.
- Certificate number: 10000; name of the certificate: Level B beauty technician.
- Certificate number: 06000; name of the certificate: Level B technician for male hairdressing.
- Certificate number: 06700; name of the certificate: Level B technician for female hairdressing.
- International certificate: ACA Adobe Photoshop.
- International certificate: Advertised International Certificate.
- International certificate: International certificate from The Guild (U.K.)
Creative Achievements
(1) Honorable achievements in the Department of Fashion Design
Honorable achievements in the Department of Fashion Design Since its establishment, the Department of Fashion Design has won numerous first prizes in national competitions and made various major achievements.

樹德科技大學流行設計系 第五屆 世界皮革創意設計大賽 恭喜!榮獲金獎/最佳人氣獎 ➊參賽者-歐修維”金獎” ➋參賽者-凃詠筑”最佳人氣獎” 恭喜兩位參賽者~ #樹德科技大學 #流行設計系 #服裝設計 #造型設計 #織品設計 #飾品設計 #整體造塑設計

第二波~恭喜 樹德科技大學 流行設計系 【NEW SEASON COMING SOON】 THM時裝設計比賽 獲勝作品 2024 台港澳時尚設計競賽 *優選* 設計師-凃詠筑 #樹德科技大學 #流行設計系 #服裝設計 #造型設計 #織品設計 #飾品設計 #整體造型設計#CLA

恭喜 樹德科技大學 流行設計系 【NEW SEASON COMING SOON】 THM時裝設計比賽 獲勝作品#樹德科技大學 #流行設計系 #服裝設計 #造型設計 #織品設計 #飾品設計 #整體造型設計

2023 KFA高雄時尚大賞決賽暨頒獎典禮 40位時尚名模與新銳設計師的最新作品,全部都在2023高雄時尚大賞 !! 恭喜「擁擠空房」獲得新秀賞 歐修維、莊雅婷、趙怡君、梁凱媚 #高雄市青年局 #高雄時尚大賞 #高雄新銳設計師#KFA

「藍衫Show」#樹德科技大學 #流行設計系 #高雄市政府客家事務委員會 #Show 出藍衫新高度

樹德科技大學STU ⭐️流行設計系畢業校友之光⭐️
Awards won over the years
(2) Graduation shows
(2) New Talent Awards